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Announcing Hello Neighbor Modding Competition - HelloMods! With $5k in cash prizes

Writer: Alex NichiporchikAlex Nichiporchik

You've clamored for it, you've drowned our Twitter DMs about it, and stalked us all the way to our real-life homes for it. No, really - imagine going out of your house to work, and 4 kids are standing there holding hands singing a Hello Neighbor song. This happened.

It's finally here! We're announcing the Hello Neighbor Modding Competition We've partnered up with ModDB to giveaway cash prizes and games for the best mods created based on the newly released Hello Neighbor Mod Kit.

  • $5k in cash prizes

  • Fully moddable version of Beta 3 of Hello Neighbor

  • Available via he Unreal Engine Installer

Looking for help getting started? Check out Mod DB’s Hello Neighbor tutorials page for resources, and the main page - for details on the competition. Quick-links:

Any coverage regarding the modding event is greatly appreciated. I personally can't wait until someone makes a sewer level with a clown chasing the player. The way the Mod Kit is setup allows modders to create whole new levels, puzzles, and use the self-learning AI. To give a simple example, I made a level that has a lot of doors. Built like a labyrinth puzzle. I made he Neighbor spawn in the map via a trigger set to one of he doors. Since he AI is programmed to notice and investigatte map changes, he quickly picked up my trail and followed my footsteps. From that point onwards the level plays like an anxiety inducing chase. Note that as of today, mods can be played via the Unreal Editor. Some time next week we will release an updated Beta 3 build that allows mods to be played in the standalone game. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

PS. Hello Neighbor Funko Pop! collectibles coming to a store near you

Hot on the heels of the fresh new merch we previewed at PAX West, we're excited to unveil Hello Neighbor Funko Pop! Vinyls. With SEVEN different Pop!s to collect, you'll be breaking into your friendly retail stores including GameStop, Walmart, FYE, Barnes & Noble, and Toys R Us for those sweet, sweet exclusives to each store. Expect to see them in December on store shelves. Click here to see all seven Pop!s.

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